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MY ADVICE IS TO AVOID AT ALL COSTS ABSOLUTLEY APAULING AND VERY VERY AGRESSIVE ATTITUDE OF THE MANAGER/OWNER. Still having suits fitted and altered 3 days before the wedding even though they had been measured for in the shop. I tried three times after my sons wedding to return suits. They have notice on shop door stating that they are upstairs doing wedding dress fitting. to ring number and someone can come down to attend the shop. After three attempts at three different times on Monday and Tuesday to ring the number on the shop door which states that someone will come down to open it. I nearly gave up until I saw the manager/owner of the shop and the assistant returning with food after obviously being out for lunch. I was told that ACTUALLY. the suits needed returning by to which my only reply could be that I had tried to return 3 times. She even followed be back to my car spouting abuse at me.

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